Saturday, May 30, 2009
Logan Pics
Im so behind on posting pics on here. These pics are from logans 2nd and 3rd day of life.~2nd day
~3rd day
~going home
Posted by The Shaffers at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
Logans 2 week Checkup
Was yesterday. Hes actually 2 1/2 weeks, but anyhow... Things went well. His weighs 7lbs13oz and is 21 1/4ins(25th% for both).. I dont think i have mentioned this, but his left ear is slightly deformed(pic below). Well when i told the doc about it he said he will put in for a ultrasound of his kidneys. He said that the kidneys and ears form at the same time so he wants to make sure his kidneys are fine. His circumcision went great. The doc who did his is really good at them, an he said it turned out great... Logans doing good so far, he slept and cryed a lot since he had it done, but seems to be feeling better today.. Hes been congested for a week or so so they gave me some nasal spray to, so i hope that helps him breathe a bit easier.. So all in all hes a healthy little boy...
Posted by The Shaffers at 6:02 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Pics of my little Bit!!!
These pics are from Logans very first day in this world!~Proud big sister meeting her brother for the first time.
~Holding Logan for the first time
~My doctor, though he didnt do the delivery.
~Look at that little face!
Posted by The Shaffers at 8:10 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Logans Birth Story...
Well i woke up to go pee at about 145am on monday may 11th and when i wiped there was a ton of mucous and some blood.. I really tried to not read into it, so i just went back to bed. Well about 15mins later the contractions started.. I lied in bed for 30mins timing and they were def about 2 mins apart.. So i got up and decided to call my mom. I REALLY didnt think this was it, so i thought i could call her(shes 9hours behind me in time so it was still mother day in Cali) and she could keep my mind off the contractions.. But the contractions kept getting stronger and longer(2mins apart 1min in length), my mom and step day timed me... So after about a 30mins of being on the phone with my mom, i gave in and said its time to go to the hospital.. Got up called my friend who lives 2 doors down to come over, and i packed my bag and we were off to the hospital.. I was hooked up to the monitors at 330am, and about 10mins later the nurse came in to check me and i was 2-3cm, i was so releaved. She was like well your NOT going home.. The contractions were really starting to get bad, so i was like can i get my epi.. i had to wait to get my blood drawn and for the results to come back. That all took about 1 1/2 hours.. At that point im just sreaming and crying in pain( i said im gonna die, LOL), and my body was starting to push..The nurse checked me and i was 7cm. I could not believe i had progressed that quickly.. Finally the epi was here, and we started to get that set up. The epi doc was a jerk, and it took almost 10mins to get it in. He said it was my fault cause i wouldnt round out my back. I was thinking well you try doing that while having massively painful contractions.. But after about 10mins of the meds starting i felt the relief. I still felt TONS of preussure, but the pain was minimal. So i labored for about another hour(at this point time is blurry) and was starting to feel the pain and the pushing again, so i was asked for more epi. The nurse had to check me first, and i was still a 7.. I was a little dissapointed, but it had only been about 4hours, so it was okay. About an hour later i was needing more meds, and DH went to go for a walk.. The nurse came in and i asked for more meds, and when she checked me i was fully dialated and ready to push. She asked were DH was and i told her he went for a walk, she was like oh no not now,haha, it was funny.. But he came in after a few mins. I stared pushing and really thought i was gonna die, but 4 contractions later Logan was out. Not tears!!! The nurse and midwife were awesome!! So overall i was in laobr for about 5hours.. It was VERY painful but it was short.. They checked logan all out and then put him on my chest. They checked out the placenta said itt all looked good, but it was big.. After about 30mins of holding logan, they came back in to do his weight and ect... He ended up scoring a 9/10/10 on his apgar, weighed 7lbs4oz and was 21ins(but im pretty sure that the length was very wrong).. They took some blood and gave him back to me.. His blood sugar levels were great right after birth(i had gestational diabetes).. After an hour the results came back and he had low oxygen in his blood. So they said he needed to be put in the incubator.. Well that ened up not being enough, and he couldnt keep up his levels on his own at this point. The called the pedi they have on call(she doesnt actually work in the hospital and they dont have a nicu).. I auctally went to the bathroom when all this happened, and when the nurse brought me back to the room, i saw the big transport bed in the room.. They told me the pedi was coming and see what was going on. She got there and gave him some extra oxygen, and that helped.. They were all happy about the results.. His blood sugar then droped really low, so they needed to give him a bottle. Didnt help gave him more and his levels went up... Well at some point the nurse and a midwife came back and were giving him more oxygen and brought the transport bed back in.. I was starting to worry.. Oh and DH was not here the whole time, he went to do some things and pick up Hannah from school... But after a few mins they took the transport bad back out, and i never saw it again.. He stayed in the incubator for about 4 in ahalf hours.. They called the pedi to come back and check him out. They drew some more blood(from his head) to check for any kind of in feection.. But the nurse then got him dressed and had me hold him while he was being monitored, and he was keeping his levels up on his own. And after that we were both taken to the post partum ward... So thats about it.. After minor complations all was fine... The after birth pains were pretty bad those first 3 days, so i was asking for pain meds all the time. Logan and i were realsed on Wed May 13th. But i was to watch myself for any sign of fever or sickness. When i was having my exam the doc pressed on my uteras and it HERT pretty bad, and he said that isnt normal. It could be a infection, and if i had a fever to go straigth back to the hospital, cause if i wait to long i could die.. Well thankfully i didnt and im here and so in love with my new baby boy!!!
As of today, im feeling all better.. Tired still, we have been extremely busy, since we are moving back to the states in less than 6weeks.. Logan is great! Hes such a sweet boy, very clam.. Doesnt cry too much, and its a soft cry.. His cord fell of yesterday, so i was able to give him a bath, he didnt like it! He had a weight check on friday and he was 7lbs, and today he is 7lbs 6oz. So hes gaining nicley.. Well when he was measured toady he was only 19 3/4 in, so i have no idea how long he is, since at birth they said he was 21in.. I think todays measurent is more correct, but we will see next week at his first real appt. Hes looks so tiny to me, either way.. He will also get snipped at that appt too... Well thanks for reading! i still cant believe that after 3 years and everthing i went through hes here! Its so wonderful! i feel so blessed!!!
Posted by The Shaffers at 7:55 AM 4 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Logan Michael Shaffer.....
Was born on Monday May 11th.. He was 7lbs4oz and 21in... Hes a tall and skinny boy, and such a joy! We didnt get home till yesterday night(weds) and have so much to do to get him in-processed to the military world.. I will hopfully have time tomm to get a birth story on here.. I will say it was a fast but very intense labor!!!! Heres a few pics of my beautiful baby boy!!! And yes he looks like Hannah, just a different nose!
Posted by The Shaffers at 2:09 PM 5 comments