I cant believe it has been 6months(last week) since Logan joined our family, time really need to slow down a bit... Logan is doing REALLY well. He was 15lb7oz(10th%)25.75in(25th%) and his head was 17.5in(75th%-big head) His doc LOVES him and every time we see her she says he is such a sweet natured and very special little guy. She said devlopmentaly hes more like a 9 month old. He is almost crawling, hes pulling him self up on things, and hes been sitting on his own for about 6 weeks now. He also got 2 teeth in, they poped through on his 6month b-day. I love him so much and feel so blessed to have in my life! Here are some pics i took on sunday.(theres a lot)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Logan 6 months
Posted by The Shaffers at 2:07 PM 2 comments
Fun Photoshoot!
Well not really. Hannah is extemely hard to take pics of. Corey has been wanting some pics so i really wanted to get some good ones. It was like pulling teeth without pain meds, but i got some good ones of her.. The ones with the two arent the best but they look cute!
Posted by The Shaffers at 1:44 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
My Handsom boy!!!
I just love this face and cant stop taking pics and showing him off.... He'll be 6months old tomm, i cant believe it!
Posted by The Shaffers at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Halloween was fun, We drove down to sourthern Georgia to spend friday and saturday with a friend of ours who was stationed in Germany with us. My friend and i ended up staying up till 6am sat morning. It was nice catching up but we were soo tired ALL day.. WE went to her wards trunk or treat that evening. It was pretty warm out so Logan didnt get to wear his costume too much but i got a few pics of him in it.. We drove home after and all in all had a ggod time!
Posted by The Shaffers at 10:36 PM 2 comments
Coreys GONE!!
Its been almost 2 weeks since Corey left for his 6month deployment. At times im fine and others i feel like im going to go CRAZY!! The busiest part of my day is from 530-730pm, and thats when my kids are at the needest,mainly Logan... He gets so mad when im having to get hannah showered and ready for bed. All i can do is let him cry cause theres not much i can do. It just breaks my heart to here him but i know its really not herting him.. But once things settle down i get pretty lonly but im managing to find things to keep me busy. Like my new passion photography and im trying to sell stuff on e-bay.. But anyhow i miss Corey and so does Hannah but we are doing well!!!
Posted by The Shaffers at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Pumpkin Patch Pics!!!
Its been awhile since i posted... We went to a so called pumpkin patch a few weeks before halloween. Well it wasnt the best of places, i mean it was nice and they had a big play ground and a corn maze. But the pumpkin patch itselfs was small.. It was pretty wet out that day so we didnt even do the corn maze, but since it was overcast it was a PERFECT day for pictures. Hannah had a blast playing on the playgound and Logan had fun haming it up for the camera and all the people who would walk by(hes a charmer).. So heres a TON of pics i took!!My new dream!
Posted by The Shaffers at 10:00 PM 3 comments