Saturday, December 13, 2008

Gestational diabetes

I have gestational Diabetes!!! So far i have everthing under control, and im eating foods that is keeping my blood sugar in check.. I did have some really really rough days the last few weeks. Due to very low blood sugar i went to the ER once and was really sick for about a week!!! All is well now, and i know what to do to keep my levels were they should be. My specalist said as the pregnancy goes on it can get worse so i just need to be careful and watch when and what i eat.. I do have to check my blood 4 times a day for the rest of this pregnancy.. It so hard to remember but i know its very important... Next appt and ultrasound is on the 7th and we will hopefully know for sure if this is a boy like the doc thinks or if hes wrong!!


Michelle said...

Oh Andrea! I'm sorry you had to go to the ER. I'm glad things are under control now, but take care of yourself!

: )

The Obstinant Family said...

Hey Sweetheart, I'm sorry to hear that you have gestaional diabetes. I hope that through out your pregnancy it won't be to bad for you.

Jennifer Rae said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself! Merry Christmas