Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hannahs First Day of Kindergarten

So im finally getting around to posting these over a month late.. So Hannah started Kindergaten on Aug 4th. She did great! She LOVES school. She really LOVES riding the bus :)
Shes doing okay in school. I think i have mentioned that while she was in sure start last year she had a developmental assistment and they found that she has a delay in her speech. She started reciving services to help improve that and to help her learn some basic educational concepts(like colors, numbers, letters,ect..). So this year the school started her on the same type of thing but her teacher feels she needs more help as i do too. Also at her 5yr well check her pedi thinks she also has some gross motor delays. so we are in the process of getting her another full assisment to figure out whats going on.. Because of this Hannah is considered a special needs child and we are now limited on where we can be stationed. We actually should have never left Germany the way we did and shouldnt have come here. If they find she needs to see a specialist the closest one is 1 1/2hours away, thats way far.. But we will see, its been a bit stressful figuring all this out but things are heading in a good direction. Anyways, she was way to excited on her first day so the pics are her being kinda goffy..

*** Sorry for any typos, im too tired to go back through and fix them***