Monday, May 2, 2011

Baby #3 IS A.................

This whole pregnancy i had planned on NOT finding out the gender. I though what a wonderful surprise it would be to find out at birth.. And since i have a boy and a girl, i really didnt have a preference.. But the week leading up to my BIG ultrasound, i was struggling BIG time.. I decided that if the ultrasound person got the perfect shot we would find out. And guess what, baby was not shy in the slightest to show off the goods. But baby was awful stubborn, and i have to have another ultrasound get get pictures of the very important stuff like the heart and some other stuff as well. I'm okay with it, cause its a chance to see baby again. Plus we didn't get a profile shot at all. Baby was just to comfy next to my uterus, haha.. Well, anyhow baby is a boy!!!! I was sad at first, cause i knew how badly Hannah wants a sister. I'm excited about having another little man around the house..I'm doing okay. Ill 20weeks tomorrow, and i cant believe how fast its gone. I'm still dealing with some morning sickness and throwing up, but its not nearly as bad as it was....


The JNJ Hasleton's said...

Yeah!! You're half way through. Keep it up!

The Riddle Family said...

That is so exciting!!! I love that you found out after all. The hardest part of the decision to not find out is definitely during the ultrasound. I was tempted with both kids but only stayed strong because Craig was in the room. Congrats on the boy!

Justine said...

i am so excited for you! and i miss you terribly. i wish we could be around you to welcome another little shaffer baby!