Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Come on Baby, and Gestational Diabetes...

I have one lazy and stubborn baby boy.. I have now had 2 anatomy ultrasounds and still have not been able to check everything.. I cant lie that im a tad worried something may be wrong with his heart since thats the organ that we cant see.. I know if there is a problem we will get through it, but i just want to know if my baby boy is 100% healthy.. SO i need lots of positive thoughts that baby will COPPER ATE at my next ultrasound on Tuesday..

I also have gestational Diabetes again, which is totally fine with me.. I did really well with managing it with Logan so i know i can do it again.. And so far i have not had to change my diet at all.. Well since i got preggo i had changed my diet a bit, just due to having major food aversions.. So far all is well, and i can still eat my sweets(even though i really dont eat them much) I have LOST 4lbs since the beginning of this pregnancy, which is awesome since i started off the heaviest i have ever been : (  But anyhow, other than that pregnancy wise. Im feeling better, sick some days but really not bad.. Im feeling him move more and more everyday which is just the most AMAZING feeling......

What else is going on with us.. Coreys been gone for a few weeks and we be back in a month. Hes just in New Jersey for training. I have had some really rough days,but trying to push through.... Logan turned 2 on the 11th, and im still wondering how the heck that happened.. I swear he was just born.... Hes also getting more and more interested with baby. I told him that baby is "cooking" so he will touch my belly and say Baby Cooking, haha...  Hannahs doing well.. She is talking more about the baby and doesnt seem to be as upset about having another brother.. She FINALLY graduates kindergarten on the 3rd, and i couldnt be more proud..

And for your viewing pleasure a pic from last week at 21weeks(im now 22weeks) Still not showing, but thats normal for me....


Julie said...

I'm sure your baby is just fine. He has to have a strong heart if he is moving around so much, right?!

I hope they are able to confirm that everything is great so that you can stop worrying.