Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Its TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!

My doc found 2 sacs yesterday, so we are gonna have TWINS!!!!!!! We didnt get a pictures, but i go back in 2 weeks and hopfully we will get one then... We are all beyond excited and a little nervous! I know its still really early in this pregnancy so anything can happen.. But im staying positive and hopeful. Thats all i can do i guess.


Jennifer Rae said...

YEAH!!! I am so excited for you. Have faith!

Annie said...

Oh my heck I'm so excited for you!!! I'm still including you in my prayers every night, good luck, stay healthy!!!

The Riddle Family said...

Congrats twice! I am so excited for you! So, I want to know the details. Are the doctors going to keep a close eye on you because you miscarried recently or are they not worried because it was the first time and a high percentage of women miscarry at least once. Also, do you have to do anything differently because you are having two? I hope all goes well and keep yourself and those babies nice and healthy.

Adventures in Petersonland said...

thats so rad andrea! i hope youre feeling well. are you being seen more often since you lost a baby recently? i bet you are THRILLED beyond belief!