Friday, December 19, 2008
The year is almost over.....
I cant believe this year is almost over!!! And what a year it has been.. I have had some really bad things happen and really great things happen.. I cant wait till the new year beggins. SO much is happening for us right from the start.. We are all looking foward to the many changes in the coming year.. Yea for a New year!!!!! And goodbye to 2008!!!
Posted by The Shaffers at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Gestational diabetes
I have gestational Diabetes!!! So far i have everthing under control, and im eating foods that is keeping my blood sugar in check.. I did have some really really rough days the last few weeks. Due to very low blood sugar i went to the ER once and was really sick for about a week!!! All is well now, and i know what to do to keep my levels were they should be. My specalist said as the pregnancy goes on it can get worse so i just need to be careful and watch when and what i eat.. I do have to check my blood 4 times a day for the rest of this pregnancy.. It so hard to remember but i know its very important... Next appt and ultrasound is on the 7th and we will hopefully know for sure if this is a boy like the doc thinks or if hes wrong!!
Posted by The Shaffers at 3:32 PM 3 comments
I cant decide, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
Alright i have narrowed my chocies down to two, but still i like them both!! This is really the only thing i get to buy for the baby(besdies clothes), till we get back to the states.. So im really excited.. So tell me what you think!!!
Posted by The Shaffers at 7:38 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Its a...............
Well not a 100% sure, but the doc thinks its a BOY!!!!! I still think its a girl, but we have ultrasounds every month so we will know for sure next month... Either way we are just happy that were having a healthy baby.. Now if only i can saty healthy.. I had a glucose test today, to check my insulin levels(i do have insulin restiance) and they were NOT good. I have to do the 2hour GT on thurs and will find out what will happen after that.. But anyhow, looks like a boy for the Shaffers(maybe,haha)...
Posted by The Shaffers at 2:31 PM 4 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
First Snow!!
Well it snowed last weekend(friday and saturday).. This is the first time in the 2 1/2 years that we have been here that it snowed this early. The snow stayed for about a week, but we were really only able to play in it that saturday.. She had a lot of fun.. Snow is always fun to take pics in, so here are a few of my favs.....~it actually started snowing, so Hannah had to look up and see it coming down..
Posted by The Shaffers at 5:00 PM 3 comments
Random cute pics!!!
~Hannah and Daddy, playing with hats!
~Hannah being cute with her care bear,on thanksgiving day!!
~Hannah with her fav little baby Maddison
Posted by The Shaffers at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
8 Things
8 TV shows I love to watch:
1. Gilmore Girls
2. Gossip Girl
3. One tree hill
4. American Idol
5. America next top model
6. Heroes
7. Little People Big World
8. A baby story
8 Things that happened to me yesterday:
1. Went to my OB appt
2. Saw my baby
3. Heard my babys heartbeat
4. Took Hannah to school
5. Ate subway
6. Picked Hannah up from school
7. Talked to my mom on the phone
8. Played memory w/ Hannah
8 Favorite places to eat:
1. Chilis(states and germany)
2. Shang Hi(in the states) ya i have no idea how to spell it
3. Fats asian bistro(states)-michelle we are SO going there when i get back!!!
4. Subway(states and germany)
5. Olive garden(states)
6. McDonalds(states and germany)
7. Carls Jr(states)
8. Romas(germany)
8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. The holidays-Last one away from family and friends,YEA
2. Finding out the gender of this baby
3. Having this baby
4. Finishing cleaning my bedroom
5. Finishing cleaning my scrapbooking room
6. Moving back to the States, hopefully to Northern California
7. Seeing Hannah as a BIG sister
8. The Twilight Movie!
8 things on my wish list:
1. To pay off our bills
2. To lose all my weight
3. To get Beale AFB for our next duty station
4. To not be dirt poor when we get back to the states
5. For my kids to be happy and healthy
6. For Corey to make Staff Sgt next year
7. To buy a nice hous
8. To have the chance to build closer friendships with a few friends back home
8 people I tag:
1. Anyone
2. who
3 wants
4. to
5. fill
6. this
7. out....
8. have fun!
Posted by The Shaffers at 1:30 PM 5 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
My little minnie mouse
I hope everyone had a great halloween!! We had good weather,well no rain. Any time we can go out and not get rained on is good weather to me!! Well here are some pics of our minnie mouse!!!
Posted by The Shaffers at 12:06 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Another baby pic!
Well today was offically my last appt with my fertility specalist.. All went very well!! I have been a mess this last week. Full of fear and anxiety, that we woulnd find the baby alive at todays appt. But things are all better, and i feel like a new person.. The baby is Great!!! It has arms,legs and a beating heart!!! Corey and i couldnt be happier right now!!! Well here is another pic of him/her(i think her)..
We have our first appt with our Ob on monday. We went to this doc with the last pregnancy, and really liked him. Now if i can only start looking pregnant!!!!
Posted by The Shaffers at 4:21 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hormone Fun!!!
Ya so, my low hormone(low progestrone), and having to take supplements is just so much fun!! First off its NOT taken down my throat, if you know what i mean! Ya so thats not fun. It causes all kinds of fun things!! And secondly the sickness it adds! I didnt have very much sickness with Hannah, so this is a change for me.. Im happy to deal with anything i need to take or deal with to keep this baby healthy! Well i just had to complain for a minute. Now im over it!!! My next ultrasound is on Monday. Its still with my fertility specalist, so i will have my levels checked again and of course a ultrasound.. I have to say im preparing for the worst,but hoping for the best... So lets all pray that this baby will be okay!! Well other than pregnancy stuff, things are going good!!! I HATE HATE having to get up a 7am to take Hannah to sure start, and i have to admit that she has missed several days of school because im tired and sick.. Corey takes her when he can, which is maybe one day a week!. She LOVES LOVES school, its so cuts cause she starting to tell me things shes learning. Like to night, she puts her hands behind her back and starts singing "were is pinky were is pinky, here i am", it was so cute!. We didnt understand her at first, but eventually figured it out! Nothing else going on here, just hanging out!
Posted by The Shaffers at 5:01 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Babys First Pic!
We went in for another ultrasound today, and we only found one baby!! Im a little sad that we wont be having two babies, but im aslo very glad that we saw a heartbeat!!! I also found out that my hormone levels are pretty low and i will need supplements to keep the baby healthy and growing. The nurse i talked to said everything will be fine, but after having a miscarrige this year i cant help but worry.. I will defentaly be taking it easy for the next few weeks, till we can get back in to see a doc to see if our baby still has a beating heart! Seeing that babys heartbeat today, was one of the most wonderful moments in my life!! Im truley gratful for that!!! Well here is baby Shaffer #2 first pic!
Posted by The Shaffers at 1:58 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Its TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!
My doc found 2 sacs yesterday, so we are gonna have TWINS!!!!!!! We didnt get a pictures, but i go back in 2 weeks and hopfully we will get one then... We are all beyond excited and a little nervous! I know its still really early in this pregnancy so anything can happen.. But im staying positive and hopeful. Thats all i can do i guess.
Posted by The Shaffers at 3:49 AM 4 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Well after a long hard road we are finally Pregnant again!!! We found out last week while my Mom and Kim were here. We are very excited and Nervous! For those who dont know our story, we have been trying to have another baby for over 2 years. We did concive in Decemember but we lost that baby in Feb, i was 11 weeks pregnant. We started seeing a fertility specialist in June and after some testing found out that it wasnt just me that has some issues. So when we went into this cycle we added Intrauterine Insemination along with the Injectables meds we started in June. We were very blessed that it worked!! I had a ulrasound and bloodwork done on Friday and everything checkout GREAT!!! I have another ultrasound on Tuesday, and we should see how many sacs are in there.. We do have a good chance of Twins(or maybe more)... Im so hoping for Twins, but i will be so grateful for whatever Heavenly father blesses me with! Are due date Should be May 22, 2009!!! Since we are supose to leave in the begining of July, I mite go back home to Sacramento to have this baby, but we have not decided yet.. Well i want to thank everyone for their love and support during this hard road! I love you all!!
Posted by The Shaffers at 4:50 AM 7 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
The month of September!!
Well it looks like the month of September is going to be a fun filled one for the Shaffer family!! My mom and Kim are coming out to visit, they get here on Tuesday!!! We are ALL soooo excited that they are coming! We will be doing some sightseeing and visiting my moms family as well.. They are only here for 11days so im sure it will go by way too quickly!
Hannah starts sure start this month as well. She starts friday, but the following week she wont be there since we will be doing stuff with my mom.. We are very glad she got into this program. She needs a lot of help catching up with some development delays she has. So when she starts kindergarten next year she want be behind..
We also have a sad day coming up very soon! Sept, 15th would be my due date! It will be a bittersweet day for me. We mite be getting some good news that day, but i will update on that later:)~(if it happens).. Im sure with my mom here it wont be so hard, so im so gratful that she will be here.. On a side note, we have 10 months till we go back to the states, YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope we get somewhere close to my family and friends back in Sac, i love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!! And miss you SOOOO Much!!!!
Posted by The Shaffers at 4:20 PM 3 comments
Hannah Montana 3d!!
So Hannah decided she wanted to rent the Hannah Montana movie. She watched the regular version a few times, but i finally let her watch the 3d one this afternoon. This was her sitting on the couch looking silly with the 3d glasses on!! She only lasted about 10mins! Oh and dont ever call her Hannah Montana, because she will yell at you saying "im NOT Hannah Nanna"!
Posted by The Shaffers at 4:15 PM 1 comments
Hannahs ready for pre-school!!
Hannah got into the sure start program here on base, and shes SOOOOO excited! She doesnt start intill next friday, but her teacher came over yesterday to get to know her. Well while she was here she just had to get her backpack out!! So i snaped a few pics of her!! She is soo excited!! I am too, but a little sad at the same time!!~i just LOVE her cute little bootie!!!
Posted by The Shaffers at 3:56 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
I found a few good pics of Corey and thought i would post them for your viewing plessure!!!~Basic training Graduation Nov 2005
~Corey with Hannah in disneyland Oct 2004
~Corey with Hannah July 2004
Posted by The Shaffers at 6:33 PM 3 comments
A look back!
So i wanted to do this on Hannahs birthday, but never got to it. And since im SOO board i will do it now! Take a trip back through memory lane!
*Hannah Marianna Shaffer. Born June 29,2004. 6lbs 7oz 19 3/4in*~A few days old
Posted by The Shaffers at 6:20 PM 2 comments
Hannah and i went to our friends house the other night. And we were going through her makeup and Hannah LOVES makeup, so she put some eye shadow on her. Hannah picked like 6 different colors and she looked so funny and kinda scary.
Posted by The Shaffers at 5:20 PM 1 comments
Summer fun!!
Well we finally had some warm days so Hannah and i went out and bought a new pool since our other one got all messed up. Anyways, Hannah and i had fun sitting outside in the sunshine. We even got a little bit taner,haha..~Monkey butt!
Posted by The Shaffers at 5:17 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Little Mommy!!!
So im watching my good friends girls(ages 15months and 4months) and Hannah just cant get enough of the baby. Shes gonna be such a GREAT big sister some day!!!!~Hannah and Madison
Posted by The Shaffers at 11:41 AM 4 comments